Dampak Latihan Over Hand Step Throw Dengan Latihan Underhand Jump Throw Terhadap Peningkatan Power Lengan

Argian Rizki Taufik


The purpose of the study was to prove the impact of overhand step throw and underhand jump throw exercises on the results of increasing arm power. The method used is pre-experimental design. The research design used a nonequivalent control group design (two groups pretest-treat-posttest). The research location is the Sinar Kilat Club, Bandung City. The participants or athletes involved were 40 male athletes aged 17-19 years. The technique of taking participants using total sampling. The results showed that the independent variable, namely overhand step throw, had a significant effect on increasing arm power in Sinar Kilat athletes, Bandung City. The underhand jump throw variable has a significant effect on increasing arm power in Sinar Kilat athletes in Bandung, and the last one is the difference in influence, namely the underhand jump throw variable is greater in the final test value than the control variable, namely over hand step throw. Suggestion: The recommendation of this research is that the two variables, namely overhand step throw and underhand jump throw, can be used as recommendations for developing physical power or muscle explosive conditions, especially in the arm.Tujuan penelitian yaitu untuk membuktikan  adanya dampak latihan over hand step throw dan under hand jump throw pada hasil peningkatan power lengan. Metode yang digunakan yaitu pre-experimental design. Desain penelitian menggunakan nonequivalent control group design (dua kelompok pretest-perlakukan-postest). Lokasi penelitian di Klub Sinar Kilat Kota Bandung. Partisipan atau atlet yang terlibat yaitu 40 atlet putra usia 17-19 tahun. Teknik pengambilan partisipan menggunakan total sampling. Hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa variabel bebas yaitu over hand step throw berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap peningkatan power lengan pada atlet Sinar Kilat Kota Bandung. Variabel underhand jump throw berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap peningkatan power lengan pada atlet Sinar Kilat Kota Bandung, dan yang terakhir adalah adanya perbedaan pengaruh yaitu variabel underhand jump throw lebih besar nilai tes akhirnya dengan variabel kontrol yaitu over hand step throw. Saran: Rekomendasi penelitian ini bahwa ke-dua variabel yaitu over hand step throw dan underhand jump throw dapat dijadikan rekomendasi untuk pengembangan kondisi fisik power atau muscle explosive terutama bagian lengan


over hand step throw, Power lengan, under hand jump throw

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