Umi Nur Fajri, Dian Nirmala Sari


Hypertension is the most frequent problem in pregnancy. Hypertension is a 5-10% complication in pregnancy and is one of the most common causes of death besides bleeding and infection, and also contributes a lot to the morbidity and mortality of pregnant women. This study was conducted to determine the factors that influence the incidence of hypertension in Trimester III pregnant women. Analytic study design with cross sectional approach, using secondary data. Subjects were 60 third trimester pregnant women in Banjarnegara District. Education mostly low education and hypertension by 23 respondents (51.1%). Most of the work is not working and not hypertension, 25 (55.6%). For the age of the respondents, some of them were at risk and had hypertension, 10 (83.3%). The parity of some multiparity respondents and hypertensive injuries was 25 respondents (50%). For a history of hypertension, there is a history of hypertension and hypertension is 30 (50%). Educational factors, occupation, age, parity, history of hypertension influence on the incidence of hypertension. But the most influential variables are age and history of hypertension with p values of 0.010 and 0.000.Keywords: Hypertension, Trimester III Pregnancy, Risk factors


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.25157/jmph.v1i2.3003


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