Digital Partograph: Application Development With The Addition of The Early Birth Screening Feature to Monitor Labour

Widya Maya Ningrum, Soetrisno Soetrisno, Sri Mulyani, Siti Rohmah, Ratna Suminar


A partograph is a tool to monitor the progress of childbirth and make clinical decisions when observing childbirth.  Partograph should be used by midwives regularly to ensure that mothers and babies receive safe, adequate, and timely childbirth care, and help prevent complications that can threaten life safety, but in reality, midwives still record partographs after childbirth is completed. This study describes the initial design and evaluation of digital partograph, an android-based application that aims to reduce morbidity and mortality during childbirth. The Digital Partograph adapts from the WHO paper-based partograph with a workflow designed to support monitoring during labor. This android-based digital partograph reduces some of the barriers to labor monitoring by using a paper-based partograph that has been proven to improve labor monitoring results. This study discusses the design made during implementation, largely driven by prototype testing with midwives at the Rancah Health Center. We then discuss the results of a preliminary study on the use of the app, which suggests that digital partographs can be used as a tool for labor monitoring and can improve maternal and infant care during childbirth.


Partograph Digital; Monitoring Labour; Midwifery

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