The Effect of Eating Cork Fish Biscuits on Wound Healing Time Perineum for Pubter Mothers

Sri Heryani, Arifah Septiane Mukti, Hani Septiani


Labor often results in a tear in the birth canal. Nearly 90% of births have perineal tears, both with and without episiotomies. There are healing wounds perineal tears that heal quickly, there are those who experience delays. To speed up the healing of perineal wounds, one of them is by consuming foods high in protein. Protein can be obtained from cork fish. Besides being eaten directly, cork fish can also be used as an alternative as a source of protein for biscuit products. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of consumption of cork fish biscuits on the healing of perineal wounds in postpartum mothers in the Cieurih Community Health Center Working Area in Cipaku District, Ciamis Regency. The experimental method in this study used a type of research design with the posttest-only control group design method with a total sample of 72 postpartum mothers with perineal wounds. Sampling of postpartum mothers with perineal wounds consuming cork fish biscuits was done by concecutive sampling, which was 36 cases and 36 controls. Data analysis was performed by Mann-Whitney statistical test. The results of the study of perineal wound healing in postpartum mothers the average length of healing of the control group was 8.64 days and the average duration of healing. the intervention group was 5.17 days. Thus, cork fish biscuits can accelerate the healing of perineal wounds in postpartum mothers with a difference of 3.47 days. The results of the analysis using Mann-Whitney obtained a p-value of 0,000 ≤ 0,05 can be concluded that there is an influence of consumption of cork fish biscuits to accelerate healing of perineal wounds.


Perineum Wound Growth; Cork Fish Biscuits

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