Implementation of Intervention Programs As An Effort to Prevent Stunting in Indonesia and Developing Countries : Literature Review

Arief Khoerul Ummah


The purpose of this study is to obtain an overview of the interventions carried out in an effort to prevent stunting in developing countries, especially in Indonesia. The author used the literature review method with a range of years 2018-2023 and accessed three main databases, namely Pubmed, ScienceDirect, and Google Scholar. The results showed that effective interventions in preventing stunting in Indonesia and developing countries involve specific actions in the field of nutrition. These include food fortification, food supplements, and health education efforts. In addition, nutrition-sensitive interventions, such as water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) improvement activities, were also found to be beneficial. It is recommended that nutrition-specific intervention programs, such as food fortification, complementary food supplements, and health education, be one of the main strategies to prevent stunting in children under five years of age


Intervention; Prevention; Stunting; Indonesia; Developing Countries

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