The Relationship Between Risk Factors and The Prevalence of Stroke in Ciamis Regency in 2023

Nina Rosdiana, Asri Aprilia Rohman, Syalwa Nazwa, Rina Nurul Alpiani


Background: Stoke is the disease that caused the first record in the world. The number of strokes increases from year to year. The results of Riskesdas in 2018 showed that there was an increase in the incidence of stroke from 2017. Some factors that are predicted to cause stroke include age, blood sugar levels, blood cholesterol levels, smoking habits, high blood pressure and physical activity. Method: This study aims to determine the relationship between risk factors and the prevalence of stroke with the population of Mekarjadi Village community selected based on age criteria of more than 35 years as 30 people. This research instrument uses the Stroke Risk Score Card. Data analysis was carried out using linear regression. Result : The results showed no association between risk factors and stroke prevalence (p-value = 0.633). While the older the age has a tendency to stroke by 3.8 times, normal blood sugar has a tendency to have a stroke by 0.82 times, smoking habits have a contribution of 3.6 times, high blood pressure triggers stroke by 4.62 times and physical activity has a contribution of 0.8 times the occurrence of stroke. Advice to the public to remain aware of these risk factors by continuing to carry out regular health checks and maintaining a healthy lifestyle by exercising regularly


risk factors; stroke

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