The Influence of the Mentari (Mental Health Remaja Indonesia) Application Innovation on Adolescent Mental Health Resilience at SMP Negeri 1 Purwadadi

Reni Hertini, Tita Rohita, Daniel Akbar Wibowo


The issue of adolescent mental resilience is increasingly receiving attention worldwide. Adolescents are often confronted with various pressures and stresses in their daily lives, ranging from academic pressure to interpersonal conflicts and family problems. Lack of understanding and support for mental health, as well as the stigma attached to psychological issues, also make it difficult for adolescents to cope with these problems. Therefore, this study aims to evaluate the influence of the MENTARI (Mental Health Remaja Indonesia) application innovation on adolescent mental health resilience at SMP Negeri 1 Purwadadi. Using a quasi-experimental method, data were collected from adolescent respondents before and after using the MENTARI application to measure changes in mental health resilience. The adolescent respondents sampled for the study numbered 187. Data successfully collected through questionnaires will be analyzed using normality tests and difference tests. The analysis results show a significant improvement in adolescent mental resilience after the intervention with the MENTARI application. The results indicate that the features presented in the MENTARI application have been proven to enhance adolescent mental resilience. Therefore, this innovation can be considered successful in supporting efforts to improve adolescent mental well-being in Indonesia


Adolescents; Mental Health; Mental Resilience; Mental of Nursing; Technological Innovation

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