Description of Pregnant Women's Knowledge About How to Overcome Discomfort During Pregnancy

Siti Fatimah, Nilam Cahya Lestari


Pregnancy involves various changes, including physiological changes and psychological changes. The changes that occur during pregnancy generally cause discomfort such as back pain, sore legs. Physiological and psychological changes are needed to protect the mother's normal function in providing the needs for fetal growth and development. These changes cause specific symptoms according to the stage of pregnancy. The drastic increase in body weight causes pregnant women to feel tired quickly, have difficulty sleeping, shortness of breath, edema in their feet and hands. An increase in the height of the uterine fundus accompanied by an enlargement of the stomach, places the weight of the body more forward. This can increase the feeling of discomfort felt by the mother both physiologically and psychologically. The aim of this research is to determine the description of pregnant women's knowledge about how to deal with discomfort during pregnancy. This research was carried out on 30 pregnant women in the midwife's independent practice in the Baregbeg Community Health Center working area, Ciamis Regency, who met the inclusion criteria, and expressed consent. The research is descriptive in nature with a total sampling technique. The instrument is a knowledge questionnaire about how to deal with discomfort during pregnancy. Univariate data analysis is presented in the form of a frequency distribution, analyzed based on the characteristics and level of knowledge of the respondents. The results of the research show that the majority of mothers' knowledge is in the good category, namely 13 people (43.3%), with the sufficient category being 9 people (30.0%) and a small portion with less than 8 people (26.7%). Conclusion The research results show that the majority of pregnant women's knowledge about how to deal with discomfort during pregnancy is in the good category, reaching 13 people (43.3%).


Discomfort; Pregnant Women; Knowledge

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