The Effectiveness of Wet Cupping Therapy on Blood Pressure and Pain: A Quasi Experimental Study

Tantri Puspita, Gin Gin Sugih Permana


Hypertension is essential to manage to prevent the un-comfortable pain and its complications. This quasi-experimental study was to investigate the effectiveness of cupping therapy on blood pressure and pain management. This study was to know the effect of wet cupping to blood pressure and pain. A number of fourteen people whose blood pressure was above normal and wanted to join in this study had included. A Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test was used to analyze a systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure and pain number before and after a single intervention of wet cupping. The majority of the sample was in the middle aged, male and housewife (76%, 57%, and 36%, respectively). The statistical test results show that Asym. sign (2-tailed) was <0.05 (systolic blood pressure 0.017; diastolic blood pressure 0.036; pain 0.001). This showed that there was a statistical difference between systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, and pain before and after wet cupping. The findings of this study will contribute to the understanding of the potential benefits of cupping therapy in managing blood pressure and pain, providing valuable insights for healthcare practitioners especially a nurse and individuals seeking alternative treatment options.


cupping; blood pressure; pain

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