Description of Mother’s Death in Ciamis District Year 2019-2022

Nova Dahliana, Iis Wahyuni Chaoerunisa, Yudita Ingga Hindiarti


Based on reports from the Maternal & Child Wellbeing program of the Ciamis Locale Wellbeing Benefit, the Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) for 2019-2022 is still underneath the National MMR and the target set, but proceeds to extend, to be specific 2019;73, 2020;83, 2021;181, 2022;114. The point of this inquire about is to discover out the picture of maternal mortality in Ciamis Rule within the 2019-2022 period. Intermediary Figure: 71% of maternal passings happen in high-risk pregnancies. Based on the cause, 24% of maternal passings in 2019-2022 happened due to contamination and 19% of them due to bleeding. Intermediate Variables: 66% of maternal passings happen within the 20-35 year age gather. 53% of passings happened in moms with pregnancies less than 5 a long time separated, 60% of passings happened in moms whose to begin with age at marriage was 20-30 a long time. 80% of maternal passings happen in pregnant ladies who experience pregnancy checks more than 4 times or are considered total. 80% of maternal passings happen in healing centers. 64% of maternal passings are not caused by delays. 34% of births were helped by specialists, 31% were helped by maternity specialists, 2% were helped by parajis. Relevant Variables: 61% of the most noteworthy maternal deaths occurred in moms with moo instruction, 37% of maternal passings happened within the gather whose spouses were laborers.


Maternal Death; health of both mother and child

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