
Indonesia is an archipelago country that has natural resources consist of sea, sun, sand and the mainland are allowed to be used as a source of foreign exchange. For regions that are particularly awarded exotic natural resources, are expected to contribute in providing foreign exchange for the region. This is to support the independence towards the area, especially in the field of economy. The problem faced is how to market strategy of natural resources of sea, sun, sand and mainland abundant it becomes an asset that can contribute to regional development in order to achieve economic independence. One effort that can be done is to create the area into a sustainable tourist visits. The tourism sector is an industry that is driven by the market. To market tourism products required the involvement of all parties in the management of travel ranging from travel managers, government, and society. Strategies that can be used in tourism marketing can be done in a way create unique product strategy, develop new Attractions, founded overseas tourist Information center, branding and promotion.Kata Kunci: Resources, Economic independence, tourism marketing, marketing strategy

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