Pengaruh Sistem Informasi Manajemen Terhadap Mutu Layanan Pendidikan

Danny Muh Ramdani


This reasearch’s purpose is to get description about quality of management information system on upper secondary school in District Majalengka, and then to get description about quality of education on upper secondary school in District Majalengka, along with influenced from system of management information for education’s service quality on upper secondary school in District Majalengka. The total of population in this reasearch is 836 people, and got the sample as many as 263 people by using Isaac and Micahel formula. In the system of management information, school operator take hold important side, because by operator’s work skill and operator’s socialiszation skill, the good information will accepted by people in surroundings of school massively. With resulted the quality of information, the chief executive can make a good wise or good regulation for school, effective, and efficient. 


Quality of Management; Management Information System

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