Ratna Wylis Arief, Yulia Pujiharti


The flavor variants of the shake flower cookies that are often found in the market so far are usually limited to only 2 flavor variants, namely original (savory) and sweet. In fact, by adding a few ingredients to the manufacturing process, you will get a shake flower cookies with several flavor variants that can enrich the types of Indonesian traditional food preparations and may be preferred compared to the previous variant. The research was carried out at the Melati’s Women Farmers Group (KWT), in Negeri Katon Subdistrict, Pesawaran Regency, from May to July 2019. The treatment applied was making shake flower cookies from rice flour with 4 flavor variants, namely: original (A), black pepper (B), sesame (C), and peanut (D). To determine the level of consumer acceptance, organoleptic tests were carried out on the color, taste, crispness, and general acceptance of each variant of the rocking flower cake. To find out the costs required, the break-even point of each variant of the flower shake is calculated. The results showed that the Sesame flavor variant (C) and Peanut flavor variant (D) had good prospects for development on a business scale, because the Sesame flavor variant was the most preferred by consumers with a general acceptance score of 4.27, while the peanut variant (D) has the lowest break-even point, which is Rp. 692.06,-/piece, because taste and price are usually the main factors for consumers to choose and buy a type of food.Keywords: Diversification, rice flour, shake flower cookies, flavor variants

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