Ilham Nurllah, Jaya Iswari


White pepper or pepper (piper nigrum L.) is a spice plant from plantation commodities typical of Bangka Belitung, one of which is developed in Jebus District, West Bangka Regency which is considered a smallholder plantation by farmers. The dramatic decline in the price of white pepper at the farm level has become a social problem in the economic field which has implications for the problem of decreasing productivity. Plus the characteristics of these pepper farmers only have very low education levels, and their farming knowledge is only obtained from the results of hereditary experiences. The research method used is a qualitative (naturalistic) method that is natural by conducting direct interviews with the object under study. This analysis is the interpretation of data and data processing that has been carried out by giving information and explanation of the object. The results of the study show that the planting system, care system and socio-economic system of farmers are not balanced with the production system and productivity. Significant level of these differences significantly indicates a lack of economic welfare of the community, especially pepper farmers. Therefore social engineering (institutionalization) about the weakness of pepper competition in the world market not only has an impact on foreign exchange, but also greatly affects the farmers, especially in Jebus Subdistrict who have switched professions


Farmers, Pepper, Impact


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