The Effect of Cocomelon Music Therapy on Hospitalized Pre-School Children Stress Reduction

Dini Nurbaeti Zen, Daniel Akbar Wibowo, Chandra Mahardika


Hospitalization often has both physical and psychological effects on children. Stress, feeling unfamiliar with surroundings and having to adapt to a new environment are some examples of what children experience when they are hospitalized. This research aims to determine the effect of Cocomelon music therapy on reducing stress in pre-school children who were hospitalized in Melati room 3 Ciamis regional hospital in 2022. This research employed a quasi-experiment design with pre-post test design consisting of one intervention group. The samples were randomly collected with purposive sampling. The total samples were 15 children. The data was analyzed applying paired sample t-tests. The results were supported by statistical tests which produce 0.043 p value, where p ≤ 0.05, it can be concluded that there is an effect of music therapy on reducing children's stress levels due to hospitalization in the Melati room 3 Ciamis Regional Hospital in 2022. For the recommendation purpose, music therapy can be used as an alternative treatment for children experiencing the stress of hospitalization.


Preschool children; Hospitalization; Stress; Cocomelon Music Therapy

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