Correlations of Birth Types, Birth Complications , and Apgar Score With Neonatal Sepsis Incident

Risqy Nur Fitri, Ernita Prima Noviyani, Aprilya Nency


The incidence of neonatal sepsis reported by WHO from January 1979 to May 2019 is estimated at 2824 per 100,000 births. This prevalence is higher in developing countries like Indonesia. The incidence rate in Indonesian hospitals is reported to vary in each referral hospital between 8.76% - 30.29%. From preliminary data obtained in 2022 at the University of Indonesia Hospital, 38 babies who received treatment in perinatology or NICU experienced neonatal sepsis out of 103 babies born at the hospital. This research was conducted to determine whether there was a correlation or relationship between birth types, birth complications, and Apgar score with neonatal sepsis incident at the University of Indonesia Hospital in 2023. The research method used was an analytical survey, with a retrospective approach. The results of the study showed that there was a relationship between birth types and the 5th minute APGAR score with the incidence of neonatal sepsis at the University of Indonesia Hospital in 2023. However, there was no significant relationship between birth complications and the incidence of neonatal sepsis at this hospital. This research provides scientific results that can be used as a reference in efforts to improve maternal and child health services in hospital


Birth Types; Birth Complications; APGAR Score; Neonatal Sepsis

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