The Relationship of Parental Stimulation Behavior and Parenting Styles with The Development of Toddlers

Lia Kamila, Irawati Paujiah


One of the important factors in the development of toddlers is stimulation and parenting from their parents. Every child needs to receive routine stimulation as early as possible and continuously at every opportunity to continue to optimize the child's development at every stage of their development. Research purposes: to determine the relationship between parental stimulation behavior and parenting patterns with toddler development. Research methods: This research is an analytical survey with a cross sectional approach. The population in this study were 81 children aged 36-60 months at the Cimahi sub-district posyandu, with a total sampling technique of 48 people. Data collection uses a questionnaire. Data analysis used the chi square test. Research result: A small percentage (29.2%) of parents have less developmental stimulation behavior. A small percentage (22.9%) of parents have poor parenting patterns. A small portion (16.7%) of toddlers aged 36-60 months experience questionable development, and there is a relationship between parental stimulation behavior and the development of toddlers aged 36-60 months (p value=0.000). There is a relationship between parenting styles and the development of toddlers aged 36-60 months (p value=0.000). Conclusion: There is a relationship between parental stimulation behavior and parenting patterns and the development of toddlers aged 36-60 months.


Stimulation; Parenting Patterns; Toddler Development

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