Psychological Well-Being in Mothers With Toddlers

Maria Komariah, Hana Rizmadewi Agustina, Diah Setyorini


The psychological well-being of mothers can play a crucial role in the growth of toddlers, where mothers not only spend time with toddlers but also play a significant role in providing stimulation for their development. However, when having toddlers, mothers may face various challenges such as stress and fatigue that can affect their psychological well-being. The main objective of this study is to determine the level of psychological well-being among mothers with toddlers. This research employs a quantitative descriptive method with a cross-sectional approach involving 152 mothers with toddlers. Data were collected through a questionnaire using The Being a Mother Scale (BaM-13) instrument. Data analysis utilized univariate analysis with mean score categorization, defining positive psychology as ≥13.43 and negative psychology as <13.43. The research findings indicate that 52% of mothers experience negative psychological well-being. Further analysis reveals that this condition may be associated with negative interactions in parenting and issues in toddler development. These research findings underscore the importance of psychological and social support for mothers, which can enhance mental health and caregiving quality. The study recommends the development and testing of interventions aimed at reducing parenting stress and assisting mothers in managing psychological pressure more effectively.


Mothers; Psychological well-being; Toddlers

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