Nabilla Nur'Azizah Manika Putri, Gema Wibawa Mukti


The level of coffee consumption in Indonesia reaches 4.6 million packages and Indonesia ranks 6th in the world with the largest coffee consumption in the world. Variants of coffee that have been famous until 2019 are very diverse, originating from various regions such as Java Coffee, Gayo Coffee, and others. The increase in coffee consumption in Indonesia is also supported by globalization which has caused many Coffee Shops to be established in Indonesia, especially in the city of Bandung. Coffee shops in the diverse city of Bandung cause competition among coffee shops, this requires every Coffee Shop entrepreneur to innovate in his business. This study aims to examine how the business innovation used by one of the Coffee Shops in Bandung, namely 'Coffee As' uses the Business Model Canvas in developing its business. The study was conducted using qualitative methods, in-depth interview techniques, and documentation. Business Model Environmental Analysis is carried out to see the state of the business environment to see the state of the market, industry, key trends, and macroeconomics. The results show that 'Coffee As' applies the Business Model Canvas based on Value Proportion with the aim of conveying the value of 'perfect' and the main focus of the target consumer is adults, by providing facilities, services, and the best quality coffee yields from the Pangalengan plantation.


Business Model Canvas, Business Model Environment, Inovation Business


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.25157/ma.v6i1.3209


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