Nilai-Nilai Kearifan Lokal Adat Seni Bongbang Bagi Pembelajaran Sejarah Kelas X IPS 2 di SMAN 1 Cihaurbeuti

Anisa Fauziah Mulyawati, Yadi Kusmayadi, Dewi Ratih


The purpose of this research is to make use of the local wisdom values contained in the bongbang art customs in history learning. The inculcation of local wisdom values is practiced with historical learning that links learning content with the cultural values of Bongbang art. This research uses a qualitative research method, case study design. Data collection techniques through the process of observation, interviews and documentation. This research shows that the local wisdom values contained in the Bongbang art custom are: religious, moral, social and cultural values. The results of utilizing the local wisdom values of the bongbang art tradition in learning history are integrated in the material "Cultural Acculturation". The condition of students after carrying out the learning process by utilizing the local wisdom values of the bongbang art custom, namely, students become more active and enthusiastic in the history learning process and students know the values of local wisdom contained in the bongbang art custom which can be realized in school and everyday life.


Values; Local Wisdom; Bongbang Art Customs; History Learning

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