JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy)

JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy) is an academic biannual journal, published in February and September. The journal contents are published by English Education Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Galuh University. JALL welcomes research-based articles within the fields of Applied Linguistics and Literacy that have never been published elsewhere. The objective of the journal is to provide a forum for lecturers, teachers, researchers, academicians, and students to deliver and share knowledge in the form of empirical and theoretical research articles. 

The journal welcomes contributions in such areas of current analysis in:

  • Language Pedagogy;
  • Language Planning and Policy;
  • Language Teacher Education;
  • Language Testing and Assessment;
  • Second Language Acquisition;
  • Classroom Discourse Analysis;
  • Translation and Interpretation;
  • Pragmatics in Language Education; and
  • Literacy in Language and Culture Education.

 ISSN: 2598-8530 (online)


Journal Homepage Image



Call for Papers


JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy) welcomes article submissions.

JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy) has been accredited by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of Indonesia with Sinta 4.

We sincerely invite you to submit your excellent research papers and show the critical and original views on Applied Linguistics & Literacy.

If you are interested in our journal, please follow the Author guidelines, use the new article's template, and submit it online at Online Submission  

If you have any questions, please contact us at: 085223665638



Posted: 2023-09-01
More Announcements...

Vol 8, No 1 (2024)

Table of Contents


Sarid Dewi Noviyanti
1 - 11
Khusnul Harsul Lisan, Adhan Kholis
12 - 25
Entusiastik Entusiastik
26 - 44
Nuni Anggraeni, Henny Subandiyah, Mintowati Mintowati
45 - 60
Ahmad Yusuf Mustofa, Sri Wahyuni
61 - 70
Muh Shofiyuddin, Lukluan Mansuro, Syailin Nichla Choirin Attalina, Nissa Febrianti
71 - 83
Ghaida Firdaus, Ida Zuraida
84 - 101
Eisha Sabila Dieni Hanifa, Fazri Nur Yusuf, Muhammad Handi Gunawan
102 - 131
Irma Halimatun Sakdiyah, Elis Homsini Maolida, Vina Nurviyani
132 - 142
Khoerunnisa Amalia, Deden Novan Nugraha
143 - 157
Bela Pramesthi Putri, Teguh Sarosa, Ayu Monic, Azarya Yulian
158 - 172