Karminah Karminah, Aneng Yuningsih, Muhammad Husein


Dalam kondisi pandemi Covid-19, Puskesmas perlu melakukan berbagai upaya pencegahan dan pembatasan penularan infeksi. Meskipun menjadi prioritas, bukan berarti Puskesmas dapat meninggalkan pelayanan lain yang menjadi fungsi Puskesmas yaitu melaksanakan Upaya Kesehatan Masyarakat (UKM) dan Upaya Kesehatan Perorangan (UKP) tingkat pertama. Beban kerja yang berlebihan mempengaruhi tingkat stres pada tenaga kesehatan yang menangani Covid-19. Tujuan:  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan beban kerja dengan tingkat stres tenaga kesehatan menghadapi Covid-19 di UPTD Puskesmas Dayeuhluhur I Kabupaten Cilacap. Metode: Penelitian: menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan desain korelasional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua tenaga kesehatan yang bertugas di UPTD Puskesmas Dayeuhluhur I Kabupaten Cilacap yang berjumlah 54 orang dengam teknik pengambilan sampel total sampling Hasil: Hasil uji statistik menggunakan Chi-Square didapatkan Nilai ρ (0,000) lebih kecil dari Alfa 0,05 dengan kesimpulan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara beban kerja dengan tingkat stres tenaga kesehatan dalam penanganan Covid-19 di UPTD Puskesmas Dayeuhluhur I Kabupaten Cilacap. Saran: Bagi perawat harus mampu meningkatkan kemampuan dan pengalaman agar dapat menjalankan tugas dengan baik dan kontrol terhadap gejala stres agar dapat megurangi stress kerja.In the Covid-19 pandemic, Puskesmas need to make various efforts to prevent and limit infection transmission. Although this is currently a priority, it does not mean that the Puskesmas can leave other services that are the functions of the Puskesmas, namely implementing the first level of Community Health Efforts (UKM) and Individual Health Efforts (UKP). Excessive workload greatly affects the stress level of health workers, especially health workers who handle Covid-19. Objective: This study aims to determine the relationship between workload and stress levels of health workers in handling Covid-19 at the UPTD of Dayeuhluhur I Health Center, Cilacap Regency. Methods: Research: using quantitative methods with a correlational design. The population in this study were all health workers who served in the UPTD of Dayeuhluhur I Health Center, Cilacap Regency, amounting to 54 people with total sampling technique. The conclusion is that there is a significant relationship between workload and stress levels of health workers in handling Covid-19 at the UPTD of Dayeuhluhur I Health Center, Cilacap Regency. Suggestions for nursing practitioners should be able to improve their abilities and experience in order to carry out their duties properly and it may be necessary to control stress symptoms in the future in order to reduce work stress on health workers in any situation.


Beban Kerja; Stress Kerja; Covid-19


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