Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui latar belakang berdirinya kekhalifahan Bani Umayah, proses pergantian kursi kekhalifahan masa kekhalifahan bani Umayah, dampak pergantian kursi kekhalifahan secara turun temurun. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode historis yang meliputi, heuristik (pengumpulan sumber), kritik (pengujian), interpretasi (penafsiran), dan historiografi (penulisan karya ilmiah). Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah studi kepustakaan. Studi ini dilakukan melalui kegiatan pengumpulan data dengan mempelajari sumber-sumber pustaka yang dapat digunakan sebagai bahan dasar untuk membahas, memahami, dan menunjang terhadap penelitian. Kekhalifahan Bani Umayah merupakan kekhalifahan yang didirikan oleh Muawiyah bin Abi Sufyan pada tahun 41H/661M. Muawiyah merupakan khalifah pertama kekhalifahan Bani Umayah, dan ia juga orang pertama yang mengangkat anaknya, Yazid sebagai khalifah penggantinya ketika ia masih hidup, dan pengangkatan secara turun temurun ini terus berlangsung sampai kekhalifahan Bani Umayah berakhir, bahkan ketika kekhalifahan Bani Umayah berdiri di Spanyol oleh Abdurrahman Addakhil cara ini masih tetap digunakan. Hal ini merupakan peristiwa baru dalam sejarah Islam, yang hasilnya menimbulkan masalah bagi kehidupan sosial dan politik masyarakat Arab. Muawiyah telah dianggap mengkhianati prinsip-prinsip demokrasi yang diajarkan oleh Islam, dan legalitas kekuasaan yang ia peroleh melalui tahkim dalam Perang Shifin adalah melalui cara yang tidak sehat, namun dapat dilupakan oleh masyarakat Arab karena keberhasilan yang diperolehnya. Pengangkatan khalifah secara turun temurun menimbulkan perpecahan dikalangan masyarakat Arab, menimbulkan pemberontakan-pemberontakan yang melemahkan kepemimpinan khalifah, serta perselisihan diantara keluarga Bani Umayah sendiri.
Kata Kunci: Khulafaurrasyidun, Demokrasi, Monarchi.
This study aims to determine the background of the establishment of the Caliphate of the Umayyads, the turn of the caliphate caliphate seat Omayyed, the impact of the change seat of the caliphate hereditary. The method used is the historical method that includes, heuristics (collection of sources), criticism (testing), interpretation (interpretation), and historiography (writing scientific papers). Data collection techniques used in this research is the study of literature. The study was conducted through data collection activities by studying the sources of libraries that can be used as a base material to discuss, understand, and support the research. Caliphate Umayyad Caliphate was founded by Muawiyah bin Abi Sufyan in 41H / 661M. Muawiyah was the first caliph of the Caliphate of the Umayyads, and he was also the first to set up his son, Yazid as caliph successor while he is still alive, and the removal of hereditary This continues until the caliphate of the Umayyads ends, even when the Caliphate of the Umayyads established in Spain by Abdurrahman Addakhil this method is still in use. This is a new event in the history of Islam, the results of which poses a problem for social and political life of Arab society. Muawiyah had considered betraying democratic principles taught by Islam, and the legality of the powers he acquired through war Shifin is tahkim in ways that are not healthy, but it can be forgotten by the Arab community because of the success obtained. Appointment caliphate hereditary cause divisions among Arab communities, causing uprisings that undermine the leadership of the caliph, as well as the dispute between the Umayyad family itself.
Keywords: Khulafaurrasyidun, democracy, monarchy
Kata Kunci: Khulafaurrasyidun, Demokrasi, Monarchi.
This study aims to determine the background of the establishment of the Caliphate of the Umayyads, the turn of the caliphate caliphate seat Omayyed, the impact of the change seat of the caliphate hereditary. The method used is the historical method that includes, heuristics (collection of sources), criticism (testing), interpretation (interpretation), and historiography (writing scientific papers). Data collection techniques used in this research is the study of literature. The study was conducted through data collection activities by studying the sources of libraries that can be used as a base material to discuss, understand, and support the research. Caliphate Umayyad Caliphate was founded by Muawiyah bin Abi Sufyan in 41H / 661M. Muawiyah was the first caliph of the Caliphate of the Umayyads, and he was also the first to set up his son, Yazid as caliph successor while he is still alive, and the removal of hereditary This continues until the caliphate of the Umayyads ends, even when the Caliphate of the Umayyads established in Spain by Abdurrahman Addakhil this method is still in use. This is a new event in the history of Islam, the results of which poses a problem for social and political life of Arab society. Muawiyah had considered betraying democratic principles taught by Islam, and the legality of the powers he acquired through war Shifin is tahkim in ways that are not healthy, but it can be forgotten by the Arab community because of the success obtained. Appointment caliphate hereditary cause divisions among Arab communities, causing uprisings that undermine the leadership of the caliph, as well as the dispute between the Umayyad family itself.
Keywords: Khulafaurrasyidun, democracy, monarchy
Full Text:
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