Teachers’ Strategies Of Implementing Critical Literacy Approach In Teaching Reading to Multicultural EFL Classes (A Survey Conducted At Islamic Senior High School, West Java Province)

Indi Purwanti, Bunga Febriani, Dedeh Rohayati


This study aims to determine the improvement of students' reading skills in teaching reading by reading books outside of learning such as articles/news in newspapers in the subject of asking and giving directions. The subject of the study consisted of 30 students sitting in the tenth grade. The researcher applies a mixed methods design, which is an embedded design. The instruments used are tests and questionnaires. Samples were taken using random sampling technique. The finding indicates that the teacher's way in the classroom is effective in improving students' reading skills. This can be seen from the average results of the total questionnaire of 100% of students (10% strongly agree and 90% agree) are very happy when reading and like to ask questions with the teacher. In summary, reading is the most important language skill that students must master. Reading enables students to develop their own language and experience. They will access to the information and ideas they must know.


Critical Literacy; Reading; Teacher Strategies

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.25157/(jeep).v10i2.11691


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