The Use of Digital Storytelling to Stimulate Learners’ Listening Comprehension

Fajar Royani Khasanah, Rina Herlina, Andi Rustandi


This study was conducted to investigate the teacher’s ways of teaching digital storytelling to improve learners’ listening comprehension and find out learners’ responses to the use of digital storytelling to stimulate their listening comprehension. The research method employed in this study was a qualitative method with a case study approach. An English teacher and eleventh-grade students at one of the senior high schools in Ciamis took part as the participants. The data were obtained from classroom observation, structured interviews, and questionnaires. The validity data was proceeded by the triangulation method. The finding revealed that the teacher in fact used top-down and bottom-up strategy in teaching listening using digital storytelling. In addition, in teaching and learning process of listening, the teacher used digital storytelling media as an activity that enables students understand what the speaker’ speech from the video, develops student motivation, and improves students' listening skills. This strategy gave students better understanding of a certain topic of listening. Furthermore, the students considered the teaching-learning process of listening through digital storytelling as an activity that makes students understand the speaker speech about in the video. Thus, the use of digital storytelling in learning makes learning joyful because of the ease of use and availability of facilities. The researcher recommended free and easily accessible digital media such as interesting digital storytelling to be practiced in classroom learning.


Digital Storytelling; Listening Comprehension; Teaching Listening

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