An Analysis of Male and Female Students’ critical Thinking in Debate Classroom Interaction (A Descriptive Study at One of the Private Universities in Ciamis)

Rika Rahmawati, Etika Rachmawati, Didih Faridah


This study deals with an analysis of male and female students’ critical thinking in debate classroom interaction. This study aimed to find out the debate impact on male and female students’ critical thinking and identify which gender tends to have more critical thinking. This study applied a descriptive qualitative research design with document analysis. The data material consists of students’ comments on google classroom with 27 participants in two classes which are 12 male students and 15 female students. The data was analyzed using a critical thinking rubric by identified and converted into a percentage. The result shows that debate has an impact on students’ critical thinking. Both male students and female students already can give a logical statement. The students’ critical thinking has an impact at a high level. The result also indicates that male students’ scores on critical thinking were lower than female students’ scores. Male and female has a different percentage where the male has 159 scores (40%) while the female has 236 scores (60%). At last, the researcher provides some suggestions for the teacher who guides this activity should give the students more variations in building interaction and make the students feel comfortable in joining the online classroom. The researcher expects the next researcher who is interested in the analysis of critical thinking and classroom interaction to conduct another research in the online classroom.


critical thinking; debate; classroom interaction

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